I worked in physical therapy for a decade and have taught group exercise classes for over 20 years. I have an “eye” and a passion for human movement, developed through education and many years of watching people move.
It is frustrating to me that we try to patch bodies back together instead of preventing breakdown in the body by teaching good movement patterns. My goal is to teach people how to move and position their bodies now and help them become knowledgeable and self-sufficient.
- Ruth Vandenberg Pratt, Founder of Everyday Body Works
“Ruth has been very instrumental in my long-term health management. I broke my neck when I was six, my hip when I was 17 and have scoliosis on top of it all. Between all the surgeries, chiropractic, massage, yoga, and exercise, Ruth’s work in teaching me proper posture, motion, and exercise position has been integral in me being able to continue to work, travel, and enjoy my family. ”